In the United States close to 53,000 people are diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer every year. It causes over 9,750 deaths, killing roughly 1 person per hour. Of those 53,000 newly diagnosed individuals, only slightly more than half will be alive in 5 years
These statistics are horrific and the only medical professionals routinely examining your mouth are your dentist and dental hygienist. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly increase your chance of making a full recovery. So, it is essential that you schedule regular screenings with Dr. Crooks in Sacramento, CA so that any suspicious oral lesions can be diagnosed, and you can seek treatment immediately.
Your oral health is no different than the health of the rest of your body. We offer two cutting-edge cancer screening technologies and recommend our patients maintain regular exams and cleanings. Dr. Monica Crooks and her dental team are trained to identify early signs of oral cancer so you can be treated before the cancer cells are allowed to grow.